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The majority of families who come to different parts of the Turkey for tourist or immigration purposes and have a budget that suits their needs choose to rent a villa when they come to the country. It is, however, important to consider which type of villa would be best suited for a family with children when renting a villa. What is the best way to rent a villa? Here are some things that you need to keep in mind.

 In the 2018 NYU Family Travel Survey, it was found that summer remains the most popular time for families to travel. There has been an increase in the number of families who want to travel with their children during the winter and mid-winter holidays in recent years. There has been a study by Mastercard that found that almost 90% of people are stressed about organizing family trips.

 When it comes to vacationing with young children, parents need to be sure that their children’s safety and security will not be compromised in any way. Not only is it a matter of preparing adequately for the trip, but also of choosing a property that they are confident is safe for the baby before the trip. You probably already know that children are often very inquisitive, hyperactive, and love to touch anything and everything around them. Beware of breakables, valuables, and sharp objects that may be present in your holiday rental and take them out if necessary. Objects made of glass or crystal, porcelain, vases, etc. You should always store fragile or potentially dangerous items such as knives and other sharp tools in a safe place that is out of the reach of children, as well as protecting and storing them in a safe place.


There is no denying the fact that children can be a lot of fun when they are excited. It is even more true when they are on vacation in a new place, which is even more true when they are traveling! As a result of this energy overload, they can run around and bump into objects, especially sharp corners, with ease. Therefore, it is important to protect sharp corners from children in order to ensure that they do not pose a threat to them. There is always a source of fear for parents when it comes to cleaning products. Hence, it is vital that you provide a space where you can safely store these products away from the playgrounds of your children. In order to ensure the safety of both you and the villa, you must take such precautions. There is nothing like exploring a new home environment for a baby, toddler, or child. It is recommended to select a child-friendly villa that has staircase doors so that visitors do not hurt themselves in case there are stairs in the villa.

The following is a list of what you should have in a family villa with children

There are a number of details that you need to know about the villa you want to rent for your child and baby;

  • A sturdy, stable changing table with two-inch rails on all four sides

  • The crib must be a safety-approved crib and have a firm mattress that is the same size (without gaps) as the crib.

  • Keep the crib away from small objects (toys, stuffed animals, blankets).

  • Bumpers are not used in bassinets.

  • Does not allow hanging rope or rope near the crib

  • Hang cell phones high enough so that babies can’t reach out to pull them down.

  • Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors installed

  • Comfortable room temperature for a lightly dressed adult

There is no doubt that villas are the best option. These figures are based on the needs of a typical family with a normal income. When renting a villa for a family with children in different situations, it is essential that they contact the villa owner and ask for the necessary precautions to be taken before renting the villa for a family with children.